Saturday, 1 January 2011

Angelcare movement sensor with sound monitor

BébéSounds Angelcare Movement Sensor Blister Package

The Movement Sensor withy Sound Monitor detects your baby’s slightest movements, even while she sleeps. While it may seem that your induldge, coddle is perfectly still when she is sleeping, she really isn’t. An fear will sound alerting you to check your infant only if she becomes absolutely still for 20 seconds moreover no movement whatever is detected. The under-the-mattress Sensor Pad detects your baby’s slightest movements. If your induldge, coddle goes unquestionably still for 20 seconds, the Sensor Pad sends a signal to the Nursery Unit that sounds an signal alerting you to check your infant. If you are out of the baby’s room, the conveyable Parents’ Unit (Sound Monitor) will pick up the fear as well because other nursery sounds. In addition, the Nursery Unit obtain an optional

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